1998 Conference - Technical Conference Information

Please, note that information will be posted when it becomes available.

  1. 1998 Plenary Speaker: Dr. Viterbi
  2. Papers presentation format
  3. Overall program schedule
  4. Advanced Program format (.pdf format)
  5. Advanced program corrections
  6. Authors' List
  7. Author's kit forms and information
    Please, note: This year, authors are required to bring 2 originals of their paper(s) to insure publication of their paper(s) in the Conference proceedings. On a trial basis, we will be sending both printed and CD-rom versions of the 1998 Proceedings to full-time participants, and the Publisher needs one copy for each medium. Thank you for your cooperation.
  8. Special audiovisual requests (deadline 10/10/98). We cannot guarentee that equipment requested after this date will be available at the Conference Center. Requests received past this date will be honored on equipment availability basis.

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Last updated 8/19/98, MPF